
Meet Mike Rankin

He has successfully led and improved the level of customer service for large, complex information centered organizations in the private & public sectors.

He has assisted large and small business with innovation, business development & operational upgrades for entities doing business with US DMVs including as the Business Development Director of Government Affairs for the Gemalto Company unit that serves the DMV community. www.gemalto.com now part of Thales with over 80,000 employees in 68 countries.

Mike Rankin twice led the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles as the Registrar under two Governors. www.ohiobmv.gov

He helped lead the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles to a number 1 national rating for customer satisfaction. www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/this-weeks-best-state-in-america-ohio-for-its-bureau-of-motor-vehicles/2014/05/16/c3f2f0ac-d9dd-11e3-bda1-9b46b2066796_story.html

He served as the former Assistant Ohio Secretary of State. www.sos.state.oh.us

He is the former Chief Deputy Clerk for the Franklin County Municipal Court Clerk’s Office in Ohio. www.fcmcclerk.com

He is the former board member of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators and past President of AAMVA Region 3. www.aamva.org

He is the former board member and Chairman of the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission in Columbus, Ohio. www.morpc.org.

In addition Mike Rankin served as an attorney for the following entities:
Electric utility provider, American Electric Power www.aep.com
Wireless telecom tower company www.crowncastle.com
Commercial real estate developers including The Cafaro Company www.cafarocompany.com


What he stands for

Being a trusted advisor is above all other things treating people the way we would want to be treated. Mike Rankin takes this to heart in everything he does.